National Renewable Energy Platform: Championing Green Energy with Innovation

The National Renewable Energy Platform (NREP) has launched a nationwide clean cooking initiative to accelerate the transition to green energy and minimize Uganda’s reliance on charcoal and firewood for cooking.

Through intense research and innovation, NREP is holding workshops in various districts to showcase clean cooking equipment and teach locals how to use them.

The Impact of Climate Change

Uganda is already feeling the effects of climate change, with prolonged dry seasons resulting from deforestation as people cut down trees for firewood and charcoal. Dr. Nicholas Mukisa, National Coordinator of NREP, emphasizes that cooking with firewood is 10 times worse than smoking and that firewood costs schools 50 million shillings per term.

Promoting Clean Cooking Solutions

NREP’s main objective is to promote safe, efficient, and eco-friendly cooking solutions that protect the health and environment of Ugandans. The organization is leveraging modern technology to introduce clean cooking equipment, including:

Solar Cookers: Using solar energy to cook food

Solar-Aided Cookers: Combining solar energy with other cooking methods

Improved Biomass Cookstoves: Efficient and environmentally friendly cookstoves

Ethanol Cookers: Using ethanol as a clean cooking fuel

Biogas Systems: Converting organic waste into biogas for cooking

Air Fryers: Healthy and efficient cooking with minimal oil

Upcoming Workshop in Hoima City

After a successful clean cooking campaign in Mbarara City, NREP is set to hold another workshop in Hoima City. The workshop, which is scheduled for March 10th-14th, 2025, will feature:

 Learning about Clean Cooking Technologies: Understanding the benefits and uses of clean cooking equipment

Hands-on Cooking Demonstrations: Practical experience with clean cooking technologies

Engaging with Community Leaders: Discussing the importance of clean cooking and its impact on the community

By promoting clean cooking solutions, NREP is contributing to Uganda’s transition to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sector.

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