5 Questions To Expect At A PR Interview

Explain why you love PR?

This question gauges two aspects, your enthusiasm for the field and your ability to tell a story. 

Much of PR relations is about storytelling. You must persuade your clients’ audience to buy a product, use a service, or buy into the overall brand. Before you can tell your client’s story you must first know how to tell your own. 

Your answer should include what inspired you to join the industry and what you can contribute to it. Mentioning personality traits that make you a great PR practitioner is a great addition. Review the company website, social media pages, and the Google news search tab to learn what projects the company is involved in and find a way to reference that. 

What past work and clients at our firm do you find the most interesting?

This is the most common question you’ll probably get at a PR interview. It’s also one of the most important questions. Do your research on the firm you’re interviewing for, their clients their work. You can mostly find these on the company’s website. Connect with employees on LinkedIn and ask away. Pick your most interesting clients and past work ( or the ones you can find information on easily) and talk about why they interesting.

Get ready to be specific. 

Give me an example of an obstacle you had to overcome or a large problem you had to Solve?

Crisis management is an integral part of public relations. Are you quick on your feet? Can you work under pressure? Give an example of a time you were level headed during a crisis. Make it brief by picking out the main points. 

Tell us about your favorite social media platforms and why they are your favorites?

These questions test your in-depth knowledge of social media marketing. Give an overview of the demographics and analytics for each social media channel. Explain why you love by referencing what you used them for. 

Tell us about your writing experience?

One of the requirements of a PR candidate is great writing. Talk yourself up. Pick about 2-3 articles, make them diverse if you can, and briefly express what the subject of each was and your process for writing each of them.

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